
Update your China-knowledge now
to be successful in the China 2.0 era

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China enters a new stage in its
development and will look very different
in only a few years from today.

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More than 50 valuable tips and over 15 insights
from top executives and consultants.


Update your China-knowledge now
to be successful in the China 2.0 era


Everything you need to know
in 40 concise chapter.

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Update your China-knowledge now
to be successful in the new era.


Henk at INSEAD

Henk participated at an executive leadership program at INSEAD…


Dr. Henk R. Randau

Dr. Henk R. Randau

Economic Expert

has held various management positions such as General Manager and Chief Financial Officer, in subsidiaries of large multinational industrial companies. He lived and worked in Mainland China for several years...

Olga V. Medinskaya

Olga V. Medinskaya

Economist and Cross-Cultural Expert

is a culture specialist who lived and worked for several years in Suzhou, China. She is the founder of an organization specializing in cultural training and experiences. Mrs. Medinskaya has been educated as an economist at the University of Mainz, Germany...

Want to update your China-knowledge now to be successful in the new era and get to know everything you need in 40 concise chapter?
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Want to update your China-knowledge now to be successful in the new era and get to know everything you need?
Click for more information about the training!