China Business 2.0 has got already more than 70.000 downloads!

Last week we discussed a new book concept with Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar, Editor in Business & Economics Division Springer Publishing . Thanks to Dr. Mahagaonkar strong support, our book China Business 2.0 was brought to a successful path. The good sales development has opened us many doors at Springer Publishing and so we developed at a dinner some good new ideas, which should lead to a new book project soon. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Mahagaonkar again for his support to China Business 2.0  from “new book proposal” to freshly printed first edition.


China Business 2.0 at the University of Zürich.

Yesterday we had big pleasure to visit the stilish library of the University of Zürich. To be honest, if i were a book, it would be the goal of my life to get a permanent residence at one shell there 😉

Henk at INSEAD

Henk participated at an executive leadership program at INSEAD in January. He was excited that he had the opportunity to meet Erin Meyer, the well-known author of ‘The Culture Map’. Erin’s lecture proved to be insightful and inspiring.

University St. Gallen (HSG): China Business 2.0 listed in the library collection

Last week we had the opportunity to visit the university of St. Gallen, Switzerland. The HSG is one of Europe’s leading business universities. We were happy to see China Business 2.0 being listed in the e-collection of the library.

Afterwards we visited the Abbey library of Saint Gall. This World Heritage Site is one of the earliest and most important monastic libraries in the world. It holds 2,100 manuscripts dating back to the 8th through the 15th centuries.

Management of Intercultural Complexity

Last week Henk had the opportunity to give a speech about Managing Intercultural Complexity at the SRH University Heidelberg. The SRH is one of the oldest, largest, and most renowned private universities in Germany. Henk spoke to executives of the finance community. He discussed the importance of culture and its effects on complexity. He also tackled the challenges of multicultural teamwork with focus on communication between Chinese and Europeans.


“a real standard reference work”

worte Mr. Dr. Jorg Wuttke ( Chief Representative of BASF China and ‎President European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, based in Beijing) to us as a review of China Business 2.0. We are very pleased to hear your valuable opinion. Thank you!


We are honored as mandatory read by Univ. Prof. Lutz Kaufmann

Our book China Business 2.0 is honored as a mandatory read for the Management Students by Professor for International Management, Editor, Author and Director of WHU-Campus for Strategy & Leadership Lutz Kaufmann (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management , Germany; University of Oxford, England)

The Magic Triangle

Presentation at Freudenberg Group, Weinheim, Germany

On April, 23rd we had the great honor to be invited to hold a speech at Freudenberg’s group headquarter in Weinheim, Germany. It was a pleasure to speak about China’s economic and social development in front of more than 100 Freudenberg enployees. We enjoyed the great atmosphere and lively discussions. Thank you!

Please see below the Freundenberg’s internal note about our event as published on the intranet.

Freudenberg manager offers an insight into living and working in China

Create a harmonious environment, allow your counterpart to save face and build relationships. If you observe this “magic triangle” in your dealings, then there is a good chance that you will be successful in China – both during your day-to-day business and also in private. That was one of the tips offered by Freudenberg manager Dr. Henk Randau and his partner Olga Medinskaya during a talk in Weinheim on “China Business 2.0”.

In front of around 100 Freudenberg employees, including Management Board member Dr. Tilmann Krauch, they spoke about their experiences in the Chinese city of Suzhou, which is approximately 110 km away from Shanghai. Randau spent three years there as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Freudenberg & Vilene Nonwovens, a Joint Venture involving more than 500 employees. During this time, he and Medinskaya dealt extensively with the economic and social conditions that they faced in China, as well as the country’s social framework and challenges – topics that were relevant for other executives also. “My colleagues faced the same issues that I did”, said Randau. This motivated him to write a guide for those managers and decision-makers from the West who do business in China or with China.

He and Medinskaya took the audience on an entertaining journey through the Chinese economy, society and culture. They illustrated the remarkable developments made over the past 30 years, which have succeeded in making China the second-largest major economy after the USA. At the same time, Randau made it clear that “during this rapid development, which it took Europe 150 years to achieve, things have

by no means always gone smoothly”. China is a “country of regions” featuring a variety of different languages and cultures. He advised all marketing executives to tailor campaigns to the relevant regions.

Cultural knowledge about China

According to Randau, human resources managers also need to consider social rules such as the “Hukou” system. “Hukou” is the registered residence system for Chinese citizens. If they wish to move then they need to apply for their “Hukou” to be changed – similar to moving from one European country to another. However, this is often only granted on a temporary basis, explained Randau. Without “Hukou”, they have no right to education or healthcare. This is why lots of Chinese children grow up in the countryside with their grandparents, while their parents go to work in the city.

Did you know that most posts on Chinese social networks revolve around food? The reason for this is that food and well-being are closely intertwined. “Ni chi le ma?” – which essentially means “How are you?” – literally translates as “Have you eaten yet today?”. People take an interest in others. “China is a collective society”, said Medinskaya, “unlike the individualistic systems that you find in Germany or the USA.” This made it easier to fit in. “We received lots of help and support.”

Krauch, who spent several years living and working in Hong Kong, confirmed this. He too found Chinese society very open-minded, young and positive. The talk was followed by a lively discussion. With regard to the question of how to achieve quick results, given the reserved nature of Chinese business partners, this was the clear response from both speakers: “By building relationships.” Sometimes it’s not the most direct approach that leads to success. You need to learn how to interpret the signals. Taking a look through the guidebook “China Business 2.0” will help you achieve this.


Conference of the Chinese Globalization Association

We have been invited to submit summary of China Business 2.0 for presentation and promotion in upcoming conference of the Chinese Globalization Association which will take place this year in the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta , USA) in October 1-3, 2015

Prof. Sam Baron’s 4 Secrets of Youth

This weekend we met with a good friend of ours for lunch: Professor Emeritus for Russian History and multiple book author Dr. Samuel Baron. Previously we had given a speech to professors emeritus and other retired professionals at Carolina Meadows.

Sam’s inspiring personality, huge life experience, bright mind, exceptional memory, and humor makes every meeting special and let me forget the 60 years age difference that separates us.
This time I asked Sam to share his secrets for a long and successful life. His answer is unbelievably simple. But ALL great things are simple, aren’t they?
1. Exercise 7 days a week. Vary your activities. If you’re really busy – walk to work.
2. Drink a bit alcohol from time to time – even every day, if you like.
3. Maintain an active social and intellectual life – meet people who you really enjoy being with, join a book club, go to the opera, join discussions.
4. Have luck!